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Juan de los Ríos avatar
Written by Juan de los Ríos
Updated over 3 months ago

The price listed for each space serves as an estimate based on the rates set by the landlord. However, as every event is unique, the actual booking price may vary.

Pricing Process

  • Estimate: The listed price provides tenants with a guideline.

  • Custom Quote: Once the tenant submits a detailed pitch outlining their event plans, the landlord reviews this information. In some cases, landlords may need to revise the booking price based on specific tenant requirements. They may then provide a bespoke quote for the space if adjustments are necessary.

  • Adjustments and Notification: Tenants will receive an email notifying them of any changes to the quoted price.

  • Agreement Required: In order to finalise the bookings, tenants must agree to the revised price by manually entering or selecting their payment details. No booking is confirmed until both parties agree on a final price.

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